發(fā)布時間:2023年12月27日 09:42 來源:中國新聞網(wǎng)
“2023年是波瀾壯闊的一年”,近日,全球化智庫高級研究員、前美國廣播公司副總裁哈維·佐丁(Harvey Dzodin)接受中新網(wǎng)專訪時,分享了他眼中關(guān)乎中國的五件大事,并總結(jié)了中國2023年兩大關(guān)鍵詞——“鳳凰涅槃”、“砥礪前行”。他表示,這一年來,中國如同一只浴火重生的鳳凰,在逆流中砥礪前行。(林卓瑋)
“It (2023) was a momentous year,” said Harvey Dzodin, Senior Fellow of the Center for China & Globalization and Former Vice President of ABC Television, in an exclusive interview with China News Network recently. He summarized five significant moments of 2023 that matter both to China and the world, and shared two keywords that he believes best represent China in the past year— "phoenix", "onward and upward". He compared China to a phoenix rising from the ashes, leading an onward and upward journey in 2023.